MEMRIA works with partners – organizations, nonprofits, educational institutions, government institutions, political parties, companies, and others – to help them address their needs.

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    I Defend Rights is a joint initiative of Memria.org and the Norwegian Human Rights Fund in collaboration with individuals and partner organizations around the world. We are collecting stories from human rights defenders to create a global archive of audio recordings of their experiences working on defending the rights of others.






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    At previous Summits, we’ve discussed how feedback is Right Thing, the Smart Thing, the Feasible Thing, and the Powerful Thing to do.

    This year, we are going to talk about how to make it the Expected Thing to do. What will it take to get to a tipping point where listening to and acting on feedback from the people we seek to serve becomes the new norm for funders, program designers, and services providers?



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    PUC Lakeview Charter Academy

    PUC Lakeview Charter Academy

    Ms. Brown-Bernstein's 8th grade history class is using the Memria platform to explore personal narration construction during their 'Always Running' memoir unit.



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    Norwegian Human Rights Fund

    Human Rights Defenders Project

    The Norwegian Human Rights Fund is collecting stories about the work of local human rights organizations that are supported by the NHRF, who are protecting and promoting the rights of marginalized and vulnerable groups.



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    Eaton Arrowsmith School

    Eaton Arrowsmith School

    Eaton Arrowsmith seeks to provide compassionate educational environments, built on integrity, trust and results, that deliver the opportunity, support and tools for development in students, staff, schools, and organization. Memria is working with Eaton Arrowsmith to collect stories about the experiences of their students.




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    CoreWoman aims at achieving women’s economic empowerment and gender equality for women that want to develop the necessary skills to reach their potential




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    Oak Foundation

    Oak Foundation

    Oak Foundation commits its resources to address issues of global, social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged.



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    The Contemplative-Based Resilience Project

    CBR Project

    The CBR Project helps humanitarian aid workers to combat the physical and psychological effects of the chronic stress they experience in conflict zones and natural disasters. Our goal is transform the entire aid industry’s attitude and practices around well-being, mental strength, and resilience in order to improve the overall quality of humanitarian response.



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    The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) works to promote and protect human rights, including the right to development, through collaboration and cooperation among human rights organisations and defenders in Asia and beyond.

